📄️ Upload Report File
This allows the user to upload a dReveal file (Grid, Dashboard or Document Reports).
📄️ Download Report File
This allows the user to download a dReveal file to the PC, storage device, or other locations. There are two ways to download a report file, as outlined below:
📄️ Reset Report File
This allows the user to reset the view to its original state after saving it with Save State.
📄️ Move to
This allows the user to move a selected report file to another folder or location within dReveal Enterprise.
📄️ Copy to
This allows the user to copy a selected report file to another folder or location.
📄️ Rename
Report File ##
📄️ Delete
This allows the user to delete a report file from dReveal Enterprise. There are two ways to delete a report file, as shown below:
🗃️ Scheduling
6 items
📄️ Share File
In dRreveal Enterprise, to enhance collaboration, organization, security, and access control, administrators and authorized users will be able to share report files with other users.