📄️ Actions you can apply to your report
Grid Designer offers various actions to enhance data visualization, such as conditional formatting, column grouping, aggregate functions, merged cells, and the ability to expand and collapse data when applying grouping. These actions will allow for a more organized presentation of data, ensuring an improved and personalized viewing experience.
📄️ Group by column
Grid Designer provides you with an exceptional data visualization experience. The 'Group By' icon allows users to group data by columns, offering an intuitive and powerful approach to presenting information clearly and efficiently. Discover how to transform your data into engaging and understandable reports by leveraging the grouping features that Grid Designer offers.
📄️ Summary
Grid Designer allows users to create grid reports with aggregation functions. This feature not only streamlines the report generation process but also enhances analytical capabilities, enabling organizations to make decisions based on accurate and relevant data. This option can be applied at two levels: with grouped columns or without applying column grouping.
📄️ Conditional Formatting
Grid Designer provides users with the ability to apply conditional formatting to their grid reports. Conditional formatting is a powerful feature that allows visually highlighting patterns, trends, or significant values in the data, providing a quicker and more intuitive understanding. With Grid Designer, users can elevate their reporting presentation by applying conditional formatting rules in a simple and personalized manner.
📄️ Merge Cells
Grid Designer offers users the ability to apply cell merging (Merge Cells) in their grid reports. This functionality not only simplifies report design but also enables users to create more visually appealing and structured presentations. With the ability to merge cells, users can visually combine related information, highlight summaries, or emphasize specific areas of the report.
📄️ Expand All
Grid Designer provides users with the ability to group data and the expand groups feature, facilitating a more comprehensive visualization of information in the report. By choosing the "Expand All" function, this option allows, upon running the report on the web, for it to be displayed with all groups expanded, providing the opportunity to examine all the data contained within these groups.